Wednesday 17 April 2013

Xbox Live Membership Keygen 2013 - WORKING APRIL

Today I have a very interesting find for everybody that uses Xbox Live. Xbox Live is a paid service that requires approximately £5 a month to use. It allows you to play games online, speak in partys and a lot more than a regular member. What if I told you that you can get ALL of that for free? Impossible you might ask. Not anymore.

How did we do this? We had experts analysing Xbox Live codes to try and find a pattern. Finally we have cracked it, you can get any code from a 48 hour trial, to a years membership!

I have released my first working key generator for Xbox Live membership, no hassle, just a simple download and click. This could be one of the greatest things since Xbox Live was created. Don't believe me? Take a look at this video below.

Now you've seen it, fully working proof. How do you get it? Simple. Click the link below and get your membership! I doubt this will be patched for a very long time. Now, a lot of other people's are viruses, ours however, is not.  Want proof? Click the virustotal link below.

Download now for free!


